Have you ever gotten ready in the morning, spritzed on your favorite scent, and a couple of hours later you got nothing? This can be exasperating. Why bother to apply scent if it's not going to last? In order to make sure that your uplifting scent lasts through the day or your sexy perfume lasts until the end of your romantic date, follow some or all of these suggestions.
First, be aware that there are different types of scent formulations. Each has a different concentration of fragrance oils. If you use body splash, it literally means to splash it on your body. It is the most diluted type of fragrance. Perfume is the strongest. Depending on the scent itself, it takes very little perfume. You could be having the opposite problem and overwhelming everyone. Be certain that you don't overdo it.
Second, be aware of pulse points. These are the areas of the body that have blood vessels very close to the skin. As the blood pulses, it produces heat. This in turn releases the scent of your perfume. The pulse points are located at the temples, behind the ears, the base of the throat, between the breasts, the wrists, the bend of the elbow, the backs of the knees, and the ankles.
Pay particular attention to the pulse points at the backs of the knees and the ankles. Since scent travels upward, these scent locations are very important. And most people skip these pulse points when applying perfume.
Another reason scent evaporates quickly is because of dry skin. Perfumes contain alcohol. So they can evaporate quickly. A way to prolong this is to apply lotion before perfume. A lotion that is the same scent is an excellent way to extend your perfume's lasting power. But if you don't have a matching lotion, apply an unscented lotion. If you decide to use a lotion with a different scent, make sure that it doesn't clash with your perfume. Often you can come up with unique and pleasing scent combinations. An example would be vanilla scented lotion applied before using a musk perfume.
Along the same line as using a lotion with the same scent is using soaps, body washes, powders, and even shampoos with the same fragrance as your perfume. Many more perfumes are coming out with extended product lines of their scents using additional bath products.
Your perfume can also be extended by spraying some onto your clothing. This should be tested first on a small inconspicuous area on the inside of your garment. Check to make sure that the perfume will not stain before applying it to the outside of your clothes.
An alternative to actually spraying perfume onto your clothing is to wear a scent locket or a scent ring. If you like this type of jewelry, it works great. A scent locket or ring contains a small compartment to place a small piece of cloth or cotton ball which has been sprayed liberally with your perfume. The rings are often called poison rings. An internet search turns up many websites that sell this unique jewelry. The heat from your body releases the scent as you wear the jewelry.
Then, of course, as a fail-safe guarantee, carry a small travel-size spritzer bottle of your favorite perfume to give yourself a quick spritzer during your lunch break or while in the powder room.
In the late 70's, a model was introduced that have proven to be useful in past and present periods. The open system interconnection (OSI) model is reference model that illustrates communications between two end users in a network. This model can be used for building new products and comprehending networks. (WhatIsThis, 2007)
The Open System Interconnection model separates the mechanisms of telecommunications into seven layers. The seven layers are grouped into two sections. The first segment of layers is called upper layers. The upper layers handle messages that are received or sent by the user. The second segment of layers is called the lower layers. The lower layers handle messages that travel through the host. The host computer messages are sent through the upper layers but messages that are sent to another host are not sent through those upper layers they are simply forwarded to the other host. (WhatIsThis, 2007)
The seven layers of the OSI Models are: Application, Presentation, Session, Network, Data-Link, and Physical. The seven layers each serves its own purpose and provides a specific service.
Layer 7 - Application Layer
The Application layer supports the application and end users processes.
Layer 6 - Presentation Layer
The presentation layer provides translation from application to networks and networks to the application
Layer 5 - Session Layer
The session layer manages the connection between applications
Layer 4 - Transport Layer
The transport layer provides clear data transfers between hosts, error recovery and flow control.
Layer 3 - Network Layer
The network layer offers virtual circuits for transmitting data from computers or other devices. The layer also provides switching and routing technologies.
Layer 2 - Data-Link Layer
The data-link layer encodes and decodes data packets into bits.
Layer 1 - Physical Layer
The physical layer communicates the electrical impulse, light or radio signal via the network at the electrical and mechanical level.
(WhatIsThis, 2007)
The OSI model has been useful and received high remarks but they have also received some criticism. The critique involves the complexity of the seven layers and implementation. It's believed that the complex layers takes away from its efficiency. Due to a difficult manipulation, the over complex model presents implementation issues. (Critics, 2007) The OSI model has received criticism for its complexity but has still proven to be practical for some purposes. The effectiveness of the model has allowed it to remain effective for current users.
Critics of OSI and TCP/IP models and Protocols (2007) Retrieved on 02 December 2007 from http://www.et.put.poznan.pl/tcpip/architecture/archi_critics.htm
WhatIsThis.com, (2007) The OSI Model Illustrated Retrieved on 02 December 2007 from http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci523729,00.html
Reaping the rewards of unchecked multiculturalism...
(Evening Standard)- Britain's leading Muslim TV channel was accused of encouraging "marital rape" and promoting other intolerant views of women in a report on extremism published today.
The report by think tank Quillam says that the London-based Islam Channel broadcast comments saying that "the idea a woman cannot refuse her husband relations" was "not strange" and was instead part of "maintaining a strong marriage".
It says that the channel also broadcast advice that a wife should not leave her home without her husband's permission and that a woman who wears perfume in public is a prostitute.
The think tank, which is calling for an investigation by broadcasting watchdog Ofcom, also accuses the channel of advertising talks by al Qaeda-supporting preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is alleged to have inspired failed Detroit bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and of giving a platform to other extremist Islamists.
The report, which was based on an analysis of broadcasts over three months, also states that Islam Channel's programmes have undermined trust between community groups by airing hostile comments about non-Muslims and those who follow alternative versions of Islam.
What Makes Beyonce Rich: Japanese Water, Perfume That Looks Like Lube
In a single hour, Macy's sold 72,000 bottles of Beyonce's new perfume yesterday. If you think that's impressive, check out all the other stuff she uses her famous face to sell. A portrait of the artist as a commodity.
Click to view on one page.
Julian Rouas Paris
Julian Rouas
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