Saturday, April 24, 2010


My Perfume Bottle Collection 021810 by Little_Karen

Women who avidly read magazines know that the perfume ads sometimes get in the way of actually reading the magazine.

The perfume ads are printed on thicker paper, and can make magazine pages misbehave. Some perfume ad scents are also overwhelming when there are three or more in one magazine.

For these reasons, I typically tear out all of the perfume advertisements in fashion magazines before I read them. Over the years, I have found some creative uses for these scented papers.

Because I don't like to apply perfume to my skin by rubbing paper on it, I rarely ever take these new scents for test drive. I have found other ways to explore these perfumes.

Here are 5 uses for perfume sheets in magazines:

1. Drawer Liners

You may already line bureau drawers with some kind of kitchen liner, or special drawer liner. In "the old days" people used folded newspapers to line dresser drawers. I find that using one scented perfumed sheet in a drawer not only lines the drawer, it also adds a pleasant aroma.

This is a free way to keep clothes freshly scented.

2. Car Freshener

For a scent different than "new car" or vanilla, place an opened perfume sheet from a magazine under a seat in your car. You can enjoy a new scent every week, when you use the advertisements you have collected.

3. Linens and Towels Freshener

Another place to use these free scented sheets is to place them in cabinets where linens or towels are stored.

4. Closet Freshener

Another way to use perfume sheets in magazines is to tack them up in a closet. This works great for closets that do not get much uses, including closets which house seasonal clothing.

5. Under the Sink

Underneath the kitchen sink in a house may not be the best looking or best-smelling place in the house. Use these free scented sheets to make those dark places smell a little bit better.

6. In Your Gym Bag

You may empty your gym bag every time you go to the gym. If you go to the gym three or four times a week, you may only wash the gym bag itself once a week or less. Tame any odor emanating from your gym bag when you travel to and from the gym, toting around sweaty exercise clothing or wet bathing suits and towels.

Place a scented magazine sheet in one of the pockets of the gym bag. It will keep the gym bag, and the gym locker smelling a bit more fresh.

Any of these six ideas are great ways to scent your personal spaces, when you use free scented perfume advertisements from magazines.

Stress Relief

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